Considering this is the last time I have to write on this blog, I’m going to explain myself very well. This time I’m going to write about “Chile 2010: the grate bicentenary. This should be a party time, with big celebrations in the whole country. This should be an especially time, because we should be celebrating an important event as is the bicentenary. But our reality is different and we can see exactly the opposite. People don’t feel the energy to celebrate, maybe because they are so much worried about them life, them work, etc. I think the reason is another one.
I think nobody see this time as achieve; actually I think this is a time of fail. And the most important reason because I think that is we don’t have identity as a country. We don’t identify with this time, we don’t feel is our celebration and we only see what government do like show the biggest flag and sometimes we explains some things because of the bicentenary. This time show us our reality and truly, is depressing. Not only because of the lack of identity, but also because we don’t feel reasons of celebrating. Politic is disgusting, we don’t have social organization or communities, and because of that we don’t feel we belong this place, actually we really don’t, we always wanted to be North American, and government policies are backed U. S. policies. We celebrate de independence of Chile and we still being dependent so this anniversary is a fake. This is our sad reality; the year is going to end and will be forgotten, and nobody seems to realize. The only thing that remains is waiting for the next one hundred years and asks for a miracle.
In conclusion, I think we have a lot to do to recover our identity and if that happens will be first time to celebrate something really ours, but this bicentenary is a show of the government to try to mislead us from the real issues. And maybe people do not realize but still not celebrate and not follow the game.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
my sabbatical year

If I took a sabbatical year I think my first option is traveling. First I think we all need some year in life doing nothing, only survive. Traveling is a great way to grow up and find ourselves, and when you start working it is very hurt to stop it and go away. So the best way to do it is then you finish the university because you don’t have responsibilities. In my case I must pay university first because I study with bank loan.
I think firs I would have to work, in the beginning of the year and then y would start traveling. In every city where I stop I can work being waitress. I learned that here in Santiago and I think is a good tool to do everywhere, and it’s a great way to meet people. I want to know all Latin America and I think I need a lot of time to know it very well.
Other thing I would do its staying whit my parents in Chiloé. They live in a beautiful place, and you can do a lot of things there, like feed animal, they have a lot, or plant the land. They always have a lot of work and I love working there.
The last option can be doing courses of dressmaking; I always wanted to do that. I think I will do that not only if I take a sabbatical year, I can do it working too. I love make my own cloth.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
How green are you
I consider myself as a green and conscious person. But I think we could always be more conscious because the environment is still dying because of us and nobody seems to do something. In my case, I ride my bike, I recycle the garbage in my house, I only take a shower one day a week because I don’t consider important to take a shower every day and I hope the water will not disappear. When I was at school we planted a lot of trees in my city and I’ve always tried to increase at home the quantity of plants and trees. I also participate in Patagonia sin Represas when we tried to fight against the dam in the south of Chile, and also in the demostration against Pascua lama because I always go there since I was a little girl because I have a piece countryside there in the Huasco valley and I know what the damage they produce there and the most painful thing is people can’t do anything about it because they need to survive and they offer them a lot of money and stupid stuff like plasmas and things like those. Last year, I joined Green Peace but I had to pay every month so I only receive information on my email and sometimes I go to a demonstration or something like that. But I think that’s not enough, because it’s too minimum comparing the contamination that cities and industries make and that it’s the biggest problem. I think we do all that stuff to decrease the guilt because the real problem is the industry and we all know that. So, I think if we want to do something that really matters, we should struggle to change the government legislation and try to end the pollution of big cities such as Santiago.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
The bad dream of Chilean Education
I think this is a very big problem. I really don’t know how to solve it, because I think there are a lot of solutions but none is enough. I think the government doesn’t help, but the problem is before it. The problem is the Neoliberalism, the power of politics, the bad education in Chile, and the most important problem it is the idea of the education as a business, and the government should punish that. I think the way we are now it’s convenient for Piñera’s government because we are not 100% public and neither 100% private. So the best solution still is the anarchism, the university should be the life, and the teacher should be people who have more experience because of the years that they have lived. So, now, I don’t know what to do, if I knew I would do it but I think this is a problem without solution and the best we can do is, first, kill Piñera and his friend and then kill us each other. Maybe dogs or horses are more intelligent and they will know how make education better that we have today. If they don’t know, this world have no sense at all.
The country I would like to go

The place I have always wanted to visit is Colombia, but I have two problems, one, it’s too expensive and I can’t save the money because I work for living first. The another problem is my sister told me the places I would like to go are too dangerous. She went there last year with her boyfriend and they got scared with people with arms and the guerrilla. So, if I go there someday I think I should have military training first. Maybe the reason I would like to go there is because of the danger, and I am an adventurous person, or maybe it is because I like their culture, especially the cities and towns that are not touristic and I like going where nobody goes. I think I have to meet first the people and places to decide if I would like to live there someday, but in the meantime I think I wouldn’t.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
My first term
This year, when it started I had to work because I don't live with my parents any more. So I started this term working and studying so it was more difficult for me. But I thought it was more hurting than it was, and I could do both things. I worked at nights and I had classes the next day in the morning, at 8:30 am. In the beginning, I tryed to go to every class, but I never woke up on time and I decided only go to the important classes, so in the end of the term, I only gave the tests and exams because I was exhausted. I thought I couldn’t pass the subjets but to my surprise, not only I did it I also exempted all exames and I could travel before finishing the term and I had tree weeks for vacations.
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